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New WOF rules


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[quote name='Marky said:

The sooner we get the NPR stuff in cars driving around (NumberPlate Recognition like the aussie highway cops have? does instant checks on plates as they go past and they are reaping no wof/reg tickets like nothing else) the better. They can\'t pull over every car on the road or spend all day on checkpoints, then people will bleat about "oh go get a real criminal". A few have said the problem already is the amount of people who routiently go with no WOF in the first place until if/when they get caught out.


This really is the solution. The amount of cars I see around with expired wof and/or rego is ridiculous. Police should stake out porirua pak \'n save car park, they\'d make thousands in fines

A Fascist society we are NOT. >:( >:(:o Just being safe ;) by policing the state ??? ???

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 JoKer said:

um a few cars already have that camera Auto plate stuff

Oh I know it\'s around, I mean across the board, in every cop car. The no-wof no-reg figures would surely drop by ridiculous figures rather than having to rely on manually having each vehicle /plate called to get checked.

All in good time.

And the thing is, people get hung up on the "oh waah it\'s revenue gathering, all about the fines" - no, the fines are a deterrent. They are the punishment for committing the crime of driving on the road without the right certificates, be happy it\'s not loss of license / community service instead!

Sorry going slightly OT from the issue at hand but can\'t help it haha

At the end of the day, if you are driving a vehicle on a public road, it should be your responsibility to make sure that vehicle is up to scratch, if you cant do it yourself thats what a mechanic is for. The idea of a wof is "making sure" that this is actually happening.

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 Eight dollar']

Thank god. I\'ve spent $200+ on passing wofs the last two years.

Such a waste of money that has been

but your still alive = such a waste of money !!!

My car (and my legacy while I had it) has always passed as I keep it well maintained. Could\'ve done $200 extra maintenance to make my car even more safe with that money! ;D

My level of alive-ness is in no way thanks to paying a man to tell me what I already know. I do less than 5,000km\'s a year, which is why I was (and still am) an advocate of a \'distance travelled\' instead of \'time\' based WOF regime.

[quote name='JoKer said:

um a few cars already have that camera Auto plate stuff


And the thing is, people get hung up on the "oh waah it\'s revenue gathering, all about the fines" - no, the fines are a deterrent. They are the punishment for committing the crime of driving on the road without the right certificates, be happy it\'s not loss of license / community service instead!

Sorry going slightly OT from the issue at hand but can\'t help it haha

At the end of the day, if you are driving a vehicle on a public road, it should be your responsibility to make sure that vehicle is up to scratch, if you cant do it yourself thats what a mechanic is for. The idea of a wof is "making sure" that this is actually happening.

Edit: Also this.

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+1 to the above, use to always hate wofs for my wrx...However I was always doing things on the edge instead of investing the money to get it done correctly the first time. Since I changed my attitude and when something comes up I get it fixed correctly the first time. Now I fly through wofs, I find it is alot better being pro-active then it is to live in ignorance (plus I\'ve noticed mechanical issues have now dropped significantly).

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 Eight dollar said:

So just a quick questions cars that don\'t do many Km\'s mean they don\'t get rust? A shock won\'t seize? A brake lamp hasn\'t blown? Maybe stupid little things but at the end of the day not deemed safe so get over it

Of course these things happen - there is no perfect WOF system

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 QRAF said:

So does that mean my 98 is now worth less as you have to get a wof every 6months?

if so does that mean the 22b will come down in price :P

reckon older cars will be worth more than the newer ones as they will get checked more often

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 QRAF said:

So this has come into effect from now?

or from when?

Changes to the WOF system will be made through the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002 and are expected to be in place by July 2014 or earlier.
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[quote name='JoKer said:

um a few cars already have that camera Auto plate stuff


Oh I know it\'s around, I mean across the board, in every cop car. The no-wof no-reg figures would surely drop by ridiculous figures rather than having to rely on manually having each vehicle /plate called to get checked.

All in good time.

And the thing is, people get hung up on the "oh waah it\'s revenue gathering, all about the fines" - no, the fines are a deterrent. They are the punishment for committing the crime of driving on the road without the right certificates, be happy it\'s not loss of license / community service instead!

Sorry going slightly OT from the issue at hand but can\'t help it haha

At the end of the day, if you are driving a vehicle on a public road, it should be your responsibility to make sure that vehicle is up to scratch, if you cant do it yourself thats what a mechanic is for. The idea of a wof is "making sure" that this is actually happening.

Sorry folks my reply is a little long!

Yup, getting a warrant only means your car was legally road safe at that time on that day when you presented it to the WoF agent. How it stays for the rest of that 6 month period is up to you. So look at it as if you had an accident. If your car isnt road legal and you have an accident the Insurance company will pack a sad. "If your illegal car wasnt on the road, then it wouldnt have been on that spot of road at that particular time so the accident wouldnt have happened". See if they wanna pay you out when they take that view! Just because your car has a WoF and rego doesnt make it Legal. If it has illegal mods or unwarrantable at the time of stopping you get pretty little sticker for your window to show off to all your mates thru facebook or whatever method you choose.

Onto the Police stop front. Face it, whether you want to admit it or not, how you are going to be dealt with by said Police Officer will all come down to the initial first few seconds of the conversation and how you approach them. My first ticket in the WRX came when i was going over 120 in a 100km area. Along a long straight a cop car was hiding behind a van. I didnt see it initially cos i was watching the missus screwing round with my stereo and music. She pointed him out and then as I looked up on came the disco lights. After stopping he arrived at the side of the "Boy Racer Car" to find 3 kids in the back & Angela and I pissing ourselves over the fact I have had it for longer than 12 months (just) and this was my first ticket. Especially since when I first bought it she said I\'d have one in just weeks (win for me!) & lose my license in no time at all because she knows me & how I drive!. The cop started smiling and had a laugh with us when he found out why we were laughing then said " You were going faster than 118 km when I first saw you. I will give you the ticket for 113 because thats the next category down, less of a fine and demerits. Then he said my right brake light wasnt working. I checked it with him to find a blown bulb! Only got fine for speeding.

2 nd story! Yet again years ago! I was leaving Hokitika from Wild Food Fest. Just before the railway crossing to Arthurs Pass, on the straight they had a stop. Angela & I were having a huge argue and fight (over what i dont remember!) and had to stop at this check point. Because when I over shot the stopping bay which was empty the pissed off cop had to walk to catch up with us. He wasnt a happy camper! He asked me to state name and count to 10 into machine. Already pissed off over arguement, I said my name and only managed to count to 3 in a pissed off voice before the officer asked me to "step out of the car please". This pissed off Ange and had her glaring at me thru window and me getting angrier! The cop then tried to find things. He found out we both only had restricted license but couldnt ping us on that, brake lights and indicators were looked at and tires & wof and rego. Got away with no fines as we were 100% legal! But the fact is, it was the initial first moments of our meeting that decided how he was going to try and deal with me.

Soooo the way I see it is, if you dont make a problem for yourself you wont get looked at.

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has any one noticed/seen the report done about the causes of serious crashes

Over 90% are directy caused by the driver (inc lack of maitainence, driving skills)

Less than 2% are deemed to be caused by mechanical failure

Mechanical failure is steering failing, driveshaft breaking and digging in

NOT worn tyres , bulbs, etc ( they are matainence items ) that a driver should be checking

5% from roads - breaking up, pots holes etc ( not excess speed in wet etc , as thats a driver issue)

What does all this mean.......... The current system WORKS !

Lets see in a few years what the mechanical failure % is

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 We are borg said:

With all the accidents I have been too, I would say 99% would of been caused by the nut behind the wheel, one i know was caused by tires ( bald as a bald thing in the wet ) but mostly driver error.

which means the warrant system is working as is...... the accidents are not being caused in any huge % by mchancial issues

Its the driver we need to overhaul..

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 Eight dollar said:

plenty of accidents have been caused from a driveshaft failure

I snapped one (transfer case siezed due to no oil remaining in it = BANG) and left some preeeetty decent gouges in the road and underside of the car. If it had been 1 piece not the mitsi 3 piece shaft I imagine things may have turned out differently

100% agree on the driver front. A pilot does preflight checks every time they go up, the average car driver will wait until they legally have to replace a part or until breakage forces them to

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 Marky said:

100% agree on the driver front. A pilot does preflight checks every time they go up, the average car driver will wait until they legally have to replace a part or until breakage forces them to

do awalk around your car every time you fill up : check tires and how the car sits even : not hard

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