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if u know what the subject means.

that police guy came into my office today.

he was trying to convince me to not join the army and join the police.

lol. is joining police hard??

im worried about the physical part.

havent been to the gym for atleast a year. always staying in the office due to my job.

anybody know the physical requirement??

i heard that they get a very reasonable pay.

very keen.

any body a police here?? or has tried joining them?

please gimme some advice.

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 nt_a_foz said:

You want to join the army but your worried about fitnes..

I bet the army is strickter fitness than police i bet....

Army requirements for entry, for a guy:

Run 2.4km in 12 minutes, be able to do 45 curl ups (basically a crunch) and 15 press ups

The police iiirc is significantly less rigorous than this, which is relatively low anyway if you are in any way physically active (or have a month or so to get into shape)

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i just checked the nz army website

army is run 3.2 kms in 13.5 minutes once, and

2.4 kms in 11 minutes twice

press ups 28

curl ups 60

1/2 squats 30

back arches 20

pull ups 8+

i cant even do half at the moment....


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Yeah, police is about 35 push ups, and 10km run in a certain time (easy, more of a jog)

You have to do a training course, which involves scaling walls, etc, but still seems easy.

I was going to join, but it's my education that is holding me up, and my criminal record, but lady said that shouldnt be a issue.

So i'll apply again in a year or 2.

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35 push ups, mother fuker! >:(

need to crank up my blood pressure

and do some port and polish on the blood vessle to get more flow

need to eat more calcium to get harder leg bones, for lesser body roll and better handling.

stop smoking, and reflash my brain.

just like what i do to my car.

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In Tassie, it isn't so much the fitness but the mental side of things with the police.

I know of a couple of people who are far superior to the rest of us in the up stairs compartment but have still failed, yet others will get in, who basically aren't as smart (people i went to school with and you have to take a double look at them in uniform - none I know have made it to plain clothes ;)).. Strange, they must just want certain people. Probably people who wont question, but follow and easily ordered..?

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 nt_a_foz said:

You want to join the army but your worried about fitnes..

I bet the army is strickter fitness than police i bet....

Mate, i was in the army ten years as a combat engineer. It was way hard for PT! Im a strong guy and pretty fit when i was in. I always made the run in around 8 to 8 1/2 mins but then you had pressup to do and getting 35 pumped out after you just near on sprinted 2 1/2 kms isnt easy. Cops have it easy mate.

I would recommend doing both as i almost joined the Police too as its a bloody good lifestlye but hard on the family with shift work.

Army is no good if you have a family and deploy all the time like we did.

I just read back thru the thread. When i was in the minimum regs were 2 1/2 km in 10.5 mins. Pressups were age dependant, older you were less you had to do. I had 35 to do. and 150 situps...or curl ups as they call them now and that was that.

Im 6ft and 90kg and pretty solid, and that wasnt hard but it wasnt easy. Although i could run 10km without much effort.

They did trial 30 pullups for awhile but poeople kept failing.

If you want some mean war stories or pics of my deployments give me a yell i could probably put you off the Army :)

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 lovernanako said:

if u know what the subject means.

that police guy came into my office today.

he was trying to convince me to not join the army and join the police.

lol. is joining police hard??

im worried about the physical part.

havent been to the gym for atleast a year. always staying in the office due to my job.

anybody know the physical requirement??

i heard that they get a very reasonable pay.

very keen.

any body a police here?? or has tried joining them?

please gimme some advice.

Dude if you are scared of meeting the police fitness standard dont bother applying for the army.

Army Recruit course involves a bucket load of PT and then some, day three you will run your first Required Fitness Level test (RFL), from there it only gets worse because you are constantly running around Waiouru, not only in PT kit but also in uniform, with webbing, pack...

Oh and then there are the log runs, running up several moiuntains in the training area, amrching out to the ranges from day 1...

Oh and did I mention the confidence course run (including a very cold river) yet...

So in other words, might wanna get fit, hit the road for a run or two and maybe the gym too...

In short you got to be fit before you get there...

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Im fit (albeit a lil fatter now trying to put weight on) and just reading that Im thinking f*%k that haha, go with the police lol the run etc is pretty easy. I was looking at it at one point but currently earn more in my current job so will stay in good ol retail for a while longer.

I ran home from work in my steel caps the other day(didn't drive as it was a nice day and couldn't be f$@$ed walking), and that killed my legs. I would assume in the arm ud do alot of running in ur army boots? Whats that like.

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 WRXER said:

Im fit (albeit a lil fatter now trying to put weight on) and just reading that Im thinking f*%k that haha, go with the police lol the run etc is pretty easy. I was looking at it at one point but currently earn more in my current job so will stay in good ol retail for a while longer.

I ran home from work in my steel caps the other day(didn't drive as it was a nice day and couldn't be f$@$ed walking), and that killed my legs. I would assume in the arm ud do alot of running in ur army boots? Whats that like.

Hard effing work mate. ALot of people stuff their feet with wrong boots. If your running in boots in the army you will be in pants and a long top. Normally with webbing and a power pole or weight, not less than 20kgs. Its not easy and if not in the right mind will break you.

Ive done 15km cross country runs with a 25kgs weight thats 2inchs round and about 1.8m long. Not fun. But youll crave it in the end. I miss it.

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[quote name='nt_a_foz said:

You want to join the army but your worried about fitnes..

I bet the army is strickter fitness than police i bet....


Army requirements for entry, for a guy:

Run 2.4km in 12 minutes, be able to do 45 curl ups (basically a crunch) and 15 press ups

The police iiirc is significantly less rigorous than this, which is relatively low anyway if you are in any way physically active (or have a month or so to get into shape)

Slightly incorrect if you are in the age bracket 18 to 28:

Run 2,4Km inside 10:50, 150 curl ups, 30 press ups (to the correct technique)...

And yes I spent the better part of mu adult life in the military, and also as an instructor at The Army Training Group (ATG)...

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 Swindog said:

I just read back thru the thread. When i was in the minimum regs were 2 1/2 km in 10.5 mins. Pressups were age dependant, older you were less you had to do. I had 35 to do. and 150 situps...or curl ups as they call them now and that was that.

They did trial 30 pullups for awhile but people kept failing.

If you want some mean war stories or pics of my deployments give me a yell i could probably put you off the Army :)

+1 I was always running around after you buggers into strange and wonderful places!

Or the grunts or them madmen the gunners (why would you push/pull an artillery piece, that is way over 600kg, around is beyond me)

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i wish i wasnt fucken mental in the head otherwise i would be a policeman. Id tazer or mase or stun gun or shoot any muthatrucker that pissed me off . >:(

And id frkng laugh while im doing it haha im kidding but i would love to be a policeman cos id pull all you frkrs over just for fun haha

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[quote name='WRXER said:

Im fit (albeit a lil fatter now trying to put weight on) and just reading that Im thinking f*%k that haha, go with the police lol the run etc is pretty easy. I was looking at it at one point but currently earn more in my current job so will stay in good ol retail for a while longer.

I ran home from work in my steel caps the other day(didn\'t drive as it was a nice day and couldn\'t be f$@$ed walking), and that killed my legs. I would assume in the arm ud do alot of running in ur army boots? Whats that like.


Hard effing work mate. ALot of people stuff their feet with wrong boots. If your running in boots in the army you will be in pants and a long top. Normally with webbing and a power pole or weight, not less than 20kgs. Its not easy and if not in the right mind will break you.

Ive done 15km cross country runs with a 25kgs weight thats 2inchs round and about 1.8m long. Not fun. But youll crave it in the end. I miss it.


We had an army PTI guy as our fitness one year for league and we were doing hill runs with all these weights he had grabbed.

I was late and thus got the pole you mentioned.

It was fricken hard.....its a hard run of around 15 mins uphill without a weight.....with the pole it was insane but i was fucked if it was gonna beat me.

The dude was standing at the top when i was coming over the lip and i was that fucking mad if he didnt move i would have mowed him over.....reckoned i had murder in my eyes lol.

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Yeah funny aye...effing PTI's. I used to laugh when things pissed me off so of course id get more exercises to do....but laughing at the same time. Same as Infantry minor tactics...laughing my ass off shooting up the figure 11s. Musta looked farked in the head.

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Lol if your worried about fitness join Police, if you want to get fit join the Army, Im in the airforce, went on recruit course at 90kg come off 3months later at 75kg. Theres different grades for the tests F1 and F2.(depending on age)

F1=40push ups 5km 20kilo pack march in 45mins

F2-30push ups same

pack march/run/crawl/walk/shuffle whatever you want to do in 45mins over 5kms wearing a 10kilo vest and 10kilo belt (this is EASY!!!).

PT on courses is 3times (recruit course its 4periods a week)a week 40-50min classes usually either


Circuits-intense but good

Run-various kinds airfield/sprints/interval training etc

torsion bar run

equipment carries

Sports sessions

To be honest its actually really good, and when you get out to base your left to your own PT depending on your trade. I have friends who left both the Army and Airforce to be Cops and majority have come back. I hate saying it but Army would take you places moneys just as good and you will get fit :)

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