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The right to speed


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I've always liked the idea of such a thing. Maybe even a tiered license system. License to go on the motorway, added license to get 140k or shit like that.

But the ideas always fall flat on their face the moment you consider that you aren't alone on the road. Imagine the carnage when a someone not allowed on the motorway... goes on the motorway, and cuts off someone doing 150k. Nope, it's either everyone should be specially licensed, or no one. Likewise such a thing like paying to go fast won't happen, cause suddenly you're mixing 60mph people with 90mph people.

That's why i'll always support laws and legislation to make it harder to get a license, to make the tests tougher, and the drivers safer. Only when that is done, will raising speed limits be a possibility.

One can dream though :P

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 newsuba said:

NO way !

You just have to look at the muppets who end up on


to know that when it comes to cars, money does not mean ability.


Mike, you should have come to the Winter Series final yesterday... they were doing some special hot laps at lunchtime and a guy with a Lambo thing (I think) took a young lady for a lap - it was heading down the front straight and BT says "damn, it would suck if he binned that into the wall..." and no sooner had he said it, the car locks up and goes right off the end of Toyota into the tyres! Couldnt believe it!

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[quote name='newsuba said:

NO way !

You just have to look at the muppets who end up on


to know that when it comes to cars, money does not mean ability.


Mike, you should have come to the Winter Series final yesterday... they were doing some special hot laps at lunchtime and a guy with a Lambo thing (I think) took a young lady for a lap - it was heading down the front straight and BT says "damn, it would suck if he binned that into the wall..." and no sooner had he said it, the car locks up and goes right off the end of Toyota into the tyres! Couldnt believe it!

Oh Shit really????

Wish i could have come but family commitments ment otherwise :-(

How did the girl go?

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Don't really agree with giving anyone with $25 carte blanche over speed.

But I disagree with the adverts saying 60 in a 50 or 120 in 100 will be the difference between life and death. If that were the case why not measure the stopping ability of the poorest performing vehicle legally aloud on NZ roads and then calculate maximum open road speed limits for each vehicle given that stopping distance.

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I don't think we could. The tests are bullsh!t!! For my restricted I went around the block pulled over pulled out then passed. Nobody drives on the road like they do in their test anyway. Just because my eyes are darting around Antonie Dixon's doesn't actually mean I have any clue how to react if sh!t hits the fan. They need better means of testing reaction times and awareness. How about actually educating people what to do when something happens like they lose traction... With this there comes two types of people my age; people who know they have no idea, then the people who think they know, both as bad as each other.

I don't even think my age group are the worst drivers! The worst drivers are the Prats in there mid forties, got money, decide to buy a big fu*k'n Holden commodore drive it like they own the world. After that you get females in there mid to late twenties driving sports hatches, the girls trying to live well beyonds their means in a hurry everywhere because the world revolves around them, once again think their the hottest stuff out. Males are far to cocky and females are too twitchy.

To the different licencing. I honestly think that you should need a permit to drive a SUV. They give to much confidence, turing a cocky male in to assh0le and a twitchy woman in to a bull in a china shop. So there is me having a pretty pointless rant! :)

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I think registration should have a component attached to the weight of a vehicle. Something like $0 added cost to drive something light, and therefore fuel efficient and safer, like a nissan micra and up to $2000 to drive something heavy like a Hummer.

It would have two fold benefits; less fuel consumption and, over time and on average, less severe accidents. As there are two variables to the severity (or energy) of every accident; velocity and mass. Although the way the transport ministry propagates it, speed is the only one we need concern ourselves with. Maybe they are the ones that should re-attend fifth form physics rather than patronise us all with factually correct, but extremely misleading adverts.

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 Treecrusher said:

Maybe they are the ones that should re-attend fifth form physics rather than patronise us all with factually correct, but extremely misleading adverts.

Actually some of them haven't been factually correct either - some physics professor complained to the advertising standards authority about it and basically got told it didn't matter whether it was true or not if it was 'in the public interest'.

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[quote name='Eion said:

I honestly think that you should need a permit to drive a SUV.


I couldn't agree more. Something needs to be done to start reducing the weight of everyday vehicles on our roads.

Hell yeeeesssssssssssssss!

There should be licence for every type of vehicle; i.e.



the various truck licences and


and yes a f**king moped is a bike and you should have a motorbike licence to ride one - not a car licence

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And our piss poor road design does nothing to help the situation. You will always get people doing stupid things or making genuine mistakes but there is not contingency in our road design. We aren't robots, no matter what the country does with enforcement or driver training people will break rules and/or make mistakes.

If you make a decent mistake at 100 kph on a new zealand road you will probably be toast, either hitting opposing traffic, a tree or power pole.

I understand the legal implications but I always think how easy it would be to move power poles away from the side of our open roads into the wide open grass land that usually bounds them. One practically simple change that would save many lives no matter the reason for them skidding down the shoulder.

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