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Any Ideas On Supercharging a legacy


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I was thinking of getting abit more power out of the mighty TSR the obvious choice would be to throw a 20tt or 20t into the mix but they are too common

How about supercharging i'm unsure if subaru had a decent supercharger i do know they had a small one years ago but what i was thinking is something like a sc12 toyota one from a 4agze or sc 14 for a 1ggze the problem however is how would you go about it

some ideas would be great



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 liltim said:


I was thinking of getting abit more power out of the mighty TSR the obvious choice would be to throw a 20tt or 20t into the mix but they are too common

How about supercharging i'm unsure if subaru had a decent supercharger i do know they had a small one years ago but what i was thinking is something like a sc12 toyota one from a 4agze or sc 14 for a 1ggze the problem however is how would you go about it

some ideas would be great



You can't just supercharge an engine and expect it not to blow up !

There are many many issues rangining from compliancing to fuel pump

My guess is this set up would end up costing about twice what a TT is worth nowdays

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 Ichi Ban']

[quote name='liltim said:


I was thinking of getting abit more power out of the mighty TSR the obvious choice would be to throw a 20tt or 20t into the mix but they are too common

How about supercharging i'm unsure if subaru had a decent supercharger i do know they had a small one years ago but what i was thinking is something like a sc12 toyota one from a 4agze or sc 14 for a 1ggze the problem however is how would you go about it

some ideas would be great




You can't just supercharge an engine and expect it not to blow up !

There are many many issues rangining from compliancing to fuel pump

My guess is this set up would end up costing about twice what a TT is worth nowdays

Yea go buy a WRX or GT(B) less money wasted for minimal performance gain...

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superchargers need a lot more accuracy when machining brackets up etc.

Then you have to locate it

and plumb it

and attach it to a pully

etc etc

subarusvx.net has a really good thing about some guy making a kit up for a EG33 valley mounting a SC - really tidy :D but big coin.

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It's one of those things that if it was inexpensive/easy, it would of been done by now and you would see a few cars rolling around with that setup...... Over the years on Clubsub etc I've heard of many guys talk about supercharging etc etc but they always end up canning the idea or they just well dissapear and u never hear from then again.......

Hence one would assume, the guys had worked out the final cost and saw it was just both cheaper and easier to just buy an sti lol

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I know there was an Australian company that did a bolt in kit.cant for the life of me find my link....

I fully intend to supercharge my brumby.and will do a build up thread on here....

i have bonus of spare engines for mockup .....

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Guest keltik

Theres a few aviation modifcation kits that will supply bolt on superchargers for the EJ22 and i think EZ series as well. However your looking at silly money because its all specced for flying.

I originally wanted to supercharge my EZ but after doing some research it really isnt a practical option. Even though it would be more fun to drive.

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sc14 would be fine, you would get quite a few kms just using that on your standard engine, as its not too powerful

I put a sc14 on my old 2.3L straight 6 BMW e30, went very well, idle was shit, but when driving it went hard, only made about 6psi, my e30 was just my play car really so i didnt care about the idle.

only mods i did to make it run were fuel pressure regulator and upgraded fuel pump, the bracket cost the same as the supercharger ($250 2nd hand out of a toyota previa or astina i think??) has to be perferctly plumb and align or it will just strip belts. the sc14 has an electronically activated clutch, i wired it to a switch so i could run my car with the supercharger off if i needed to.

probably not worth it at all though doing it to a suby

I bought my e30 mtech1 for $800 as a non-runner with no wof and reg on hold (it had leather interior, 5spd and full mtech body kit, looked pretty mint, fixed it myself, then spent just under $1000 getting rid of rust (did it myself) including getting the supercharger completed (did it myself) and getting a wof, and $400 on 17" mags

sold it for $4200, running algd but with a shit as idle

mint profit really, there are some old dudes out there willing to pay big bucks for mint e30s, expecially mtech ones

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You prob have worked out that alot depends on your budget.

How much of the fabrication can you do your self? How much you looking to spend?

I would steer away from the sc superchargers if you can. They work but not much more then that. Ive heard the teflon coating can start to peel from damage caused from the rotors contacting. Still they are a dime a dozen.

I think you should go for it, worst case you dont spend to much on project and end up with a newer car.

Do a search on holdens. Alot of guys use the sc14 on some of the older cars and you should be able to get enough info to do it.

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cheers for the info but i've been down the road of a gtb before

was just a idea that came up on one of my drunken missions would be f**kin kool thou instant boost no f*kin around for spool up sorry guys have heard of to many probs with turbs before

have had several gt-z levins love em and the tend to kick gt's and gtb factory obviously

chur all

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We just quoted a guy who wanted a supercharger for his Mustang; keep in mind, this is an everyday mod in the states so due to volume, quite cheap. He was still looking at $15-18,000NZ and that is for one that is already designed with no custom bits...

and that's just for parts...

Do yourself a favour and buy a V8 or V9 or V10 STI, it'll be cheaper...

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Do it mate one of my pals is only 18 and he has done a few nice sc conversions a couple of vn holdens and a few 4k starlets etc. each time he has used toyota estima units and made his own brackets etc helps doing all the plumbing if you are good at mig welding etc. each setup has cost him under a grand and that includes everything from the sc itself to silicon joiners etc and not hard to make them look very profesional if you take your time

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Oh the good old red devil. You know that things blown like 5 engines right? I suspect however that's due to the owner being a twat. He's really really slack with the rebuilds. Did such a bad one it blew a big end before it had finished running in....

There's a good 30+ page thread on it on NASIOC.

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