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Launching a subaru


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would you need to launch the car at a track day, all track-days ive been to you leave from the pits and launching from the pits would get you kicked out? just a side note really :)

sorry, i might be assuming track day means round and round track, not go fast, stop, crawl back and get time slip :D


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'2nd gear' 6200rpm & side step.

or pick the safe option & put it 1st & start from 2000rpm & work your way up in 500rpm increments until your satisfied.

if you start to smell clutch buning you not side stepping it quick enough :P & best tried in your driveway too then it's not far to push it when it breaks

if you pick the first option -get it on video

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 smurff said:

would you need to launch the car at a track day, all track-days ive been to you leave from the pits and launching from the pits would get you kicked out? just a side note really :)

sorry, i might be assuming track day means round and round track, not go fast, stop, crawl back and get time slip :D


Some track days have standing starts. Some very low key ones with plenty of time give you standing starts. Then at the other end of the clubsport (typed in clubsub :) ) there is an advanced '6x6' track day where 6 of you do a standing start in gridded formation. They seed you based on the day's earlier times so there's not likely to be much passing. It's an adrenalin step up from dual track days.

And den... some track days are actually a sealed autocross creatively using most of a racetrack in unusual formations. They are standing starts.

I added up my launches and would probably do over 50-60 per year. If you carefully launch :o ::) ;D , clutch and gearbox last a very long time.

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[quote name='smurff said:

would you need to launch the car at a track day, all track-days ive been to you leave from the pits and launching from the pits would get you kicked out? just a side note really :)

sorry, i might be assuming track day means round and round track, not go fast, stop, crawl back and get time slip :D


/quote]Some track days have standing starts. Some very low key ones with plenty of time give you standing starts. Then at the other end of the clubsport (typed in clubsub :) ) there is an advanced '6x6' track day where 6 of you do a standing start in gridded formation. They seed you based on the day's earlier times so there's not likely to be much passing. It's an adrenalin step up from dual track days.

And den... some track days are actually a sealed autocross creatively using most of a racetrack in unusual formations. They are standing starts.

I added up my launches and would probably do over 50-60 per year. If you carefully launch :o ::) ;D , clutch and gearbox last a very long time.

really, sounds interesting, i need to find some of these type of trackdays to photograph, all the ones ive been to are the clubsub style


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 Munkvy said:

Start launching at the limiter and then lower your launch revs each time until you find the tipping point between grip and spin. A bit of wheelspin is a good thing as it reduces the loading on your box/driveshafts and is much better than bogging as it keeps the revs up too.

agreed, wheelspin is required. all of my fastest 60ft times have been with a reasonable but not full amount of wheelspin. i imagine it helps keep the turbo in the power band

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[quote name='smurff said:

would you need to launch the car at a track day, all track-days ive been to you leave from the pits and launching from the pits would get you kicked out? just a side note really :)

sorry, i might be assuming track day means round and round track, not go fast, stop, crawl back and get time slip :D


/quote]Some track days have standing starts. Some very low key ones with plenty of time give you standing starts. Then at the other end of the clubsport (typed in clubsub :) ) there is an advanced '6x6' track day where 6 of you do a standing start in gridded formation. They seed you based on the day's earlier times so there's not likely to be much passing. It's an adrenalin step up from dual track days.

And den... some track days are actually a sealed autocross creatively using most of a racetrack in unusual formations. They are standing starts.

I added up my launches and would probably do over 50-60 per year. If you carefully launch :o ::) ;D , clutch and gearbox last a very long time.

really, sounds interesting, i need to find some of these type of trackdays to photograph, all the ones ive been to are the clubsub style


Road & Track sprints at Manfeild Paul..

Standing start, Three laps.

Dual cars in the morning and multi car in the afternoon..

Good fun!!!!

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[quote name='smurff said:

would you need to launch the car at a track day, all track-days ive been to you leave from the pits and launching from the pits would get you kicked out? just a side note really :)

sorry, i might be assuming track day means round and round track, not go fast, stop, crawl back and get time slip :D


/quote]Some track days have standing starts. Some very low key ones with plenty of time give you standing starts. Then at the other end of the clubsport (typed in clubsub :) ) there is an advanced '6x6' track day where 6 of you do a standing start in gridded formation. They seed you based on the day's earlier times so there's not likely to be much passing. It's an adrenalin step up from dual track days.

And den... some track days are actually a sealed autocross creatively using most of a racetrack in unusual formations. They are standing starts.

I added up my launches and would probably do over 50-60 per year. If you carefully launch :o ::) ;D , clutch and gearbox last a very long time.

really, sounds interesting, i need to find some of these type of trackdays to photograph, all the ones ive been to are the clubsub style


Road & Track sprints at Manfeild Paul..

Standing start, Three laps.

Dual cars in the morning and multi car in the afternoon..

Good fun!!!!

and taupo duel sprints, same format.

first round 28th may (2 weeks away)

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It will vary car to car. Mine was pulsing between 5-5500rpm then dropping the clutch. Got regular 1.8 60fts with that.

After antilag lowered the revs a bit but was getting 1.6s regularly. 1.2bar off the line was fun.

Only tried the handbrake method once and felt uncomfortable with it.

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launch controll set at 5500 makes a nice getaway with just enough wheel spin and traction

thats for a v7 sti tho

tried a few rpms but settled on that after tests

this is a good launch for a stock looking v8

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  • 2 months later...

haha same here just got a legacy tt last week first manual but i cant master why my car is so jerky when changing gears every other car which is lighter can almost drop the clutch and it doesnt jerk but this one goes slow as and it jerk or bogs when changin outa first onwards

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mmmm BBQ clutch...

If you got a dyno of your car you should try and launch it just above your max torque. If you get wheel spin then ease up on the rpm until they stop spinning. If you bog down then raise the rpm until it doesnt.

I prefer to nearly engage the clutch then drop it, then full throttle! Although the shock is bad for the drivetrain its better than wasting a clutch.

Either way your not doing your car any favours by "launching". D:

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 Munkvy said:

I stand by my quote which is now Sams signature. Grow a pair and do it properly!

However, for a twin turbo, if you want a 4WD subbie that can be launched, sell the TT.

well this is my first turbo car and it just so happen to be a tt because i went for the theory more is better. lol didn know it turns out to be such a hard thing to do. we can sometimes do drag race on the straights on the track during our track day, so i through it might be good to learn how to get off the line fast. and i through launching it was the best way, but it turns out its actually very difficult to get off the line quick in a 4WD turbo car...

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[quote name='Munkvy said:

I stand by my quote which is now Sams signature. Grow a pair and do it properly!

However, for a twin turbo, if you want a 4WD subbie that can be launched, sell the TT.


well this is my first turbo car and it just so happen to be a tt because i went for the theory more is better. lol didn know it turns out to be such a hard thing to do. we can sometimes do drag race on the straights on the track during our track day, so i through it might be good to learn how to get off the line fast. and i through launching it was the best way, but it turns out its actually very difficult to get off the line quick in a 4WD turbo car...

If you're referring to the TT legacy's having more turbo's as being better...well... that sux for you really.

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Theyre fast for a fraction of a second till VOD kicks in, i found that doing dual sprints vs a tt, he had me for a second till i hit boost (and i don't launch above 3500rpm) then he hit vod and i pulled past him, he was running 20psi and i was on 13psi and he would almost be even with me by turn 1 at taupo from a standing start.

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    • MrSg9Sti04

      Afternoon team,
      im new to the group first time posting. Im hoping some body can help me get my launch control all dialled in on my link g4x. Ive had the computer and car all tuned from chris at prestige awesome knowlegable guy super happy with the results but now im wanting to get my launch/anti lag all dialled in. Ive been reading multiple different forums etc all with different conflicking information which has made me nervious with what do i listen to this or that if you get what i mean. Now ive started to make myself familiar with my PClink software etc the past few weeks and im eager to learn how to do minor setups or tweaks etc so im not relieing on my tuner so much and obviously saving myself abit hurt in the back pocket. 
      Now back to the question at hand.... Im wondering if theres and one who could please share there knowledge and wisdom with setting all my values, timing, fuel etc when i have launch control armed and engaged, or even a launch tune file they can possibly send me to load onto my tune. Ive figured out the setup of my digital inputs turning launch control on etc and its obvisously on its pre set factory settings. It engages but doesnt sound the greatest or as angry as it should i feel. Hence reaching out to you good buggers. 
      Cheers in advance for any info and help yous maybe able to give me.
      Cheers Shaun
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