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Trademe Chinese DVD GPS BT TV Double Din screens


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I've got a double din 'no name' DVD BT etc... fit in perfectly in my BH GTB. Had it in for over a year now... payed $150 second hand.. has all the features and plugs needed... running 3 sets of RCA's to amps running subs/components and sounz WAY better than my old Sony stealth unit. for a cheap unit, it's actually bloody good.. reads every disc ever put in bla bla bla...

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I have an Eonon unit on it's way from China or Taiwan or Hong Kong or wherever they come from now. Much better option than the Trademe ones IMHO. I didn't need GPS either... It costs extra for NZ & Aus maps loaded on an SD card, and I didn't think they'd be either recent or updated. I get free updated maps for life on my Nokia phone, with voice nav (and music) broadcast bluetooth through the Eonon.

Eonon website here http://tinyurl.com/2cqclh

I chose not to go with their tilt front model, simply because I prefer a normal volume dial rather than the + / - buttons. It was slightly more expensive, and I lose a fraction screen size, but I'm certain it'll match exactly the double-din slot for the BP, and maybe look just a bit more "integrated"? Eonon's UI is just a little more appealing than some of those TM ones, and I'm hoping the red led matches the stock BP back-lighting. Careful with those TM ones too, that you don't get one with less than 800*480 resolution.

I bought mine for US$210 from Eonon's Ebay store http://tinyurl.com/5wy86d8, with a rear camera for another US$39. Free shipping to NZ. The Paypal payment just landed on my credit card - NZ$311. I figure that'd be about NZ$260 or so for the head-unit alone?

The tilt front Eonon unit, model D2208 I was originally looking at is currently on sale for US$185 (& cheaper on Ebay), which'd be a little under NZ$240.

I'll report back with more photos through the install... My double-din kit is black, and I'm going to either paint the silver gearshift surround to match, or cover it with some 3M Carbon Di-Noc film. I never could figure out why Subaru chose to make that little bit of the dash silver.



UPDATE: I ordered and paid on Wednesday 13 July at 7.40pm, and received an email from them on Thursday 14 July at 8.20pm, advising that my order was shipped. My very well wrapped package full of Eonon bits & pieces was courier delivered today, Monday 18 July at midday. Very impressive indeed! No import duty or GST either = Excellent.

Installation later this week... my wife has the BP away up north.

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My head unit is in and tested, and I can report that it's working extremely well.


Came with iso plug sockets, so I needed only a Subaru / iso adapter which I picked up on Trademe for ~ $10. Plug & play.

The wiring at the back of the old head-unit was taped up tight, so I cut all that away to give me extra room to work with. If I find it rattles in there later, I'll go back in with some insulation tape.

Everything fits like it was made for it. The head unit is flush-mounted with the double-din opening, and there are no obvious gaps anywhere. The red lighting doesn't quite match the rest of the backlighting, it's more orange. Close enough for my taste though.


Disc plays DVD, CD, and any home burned stuff on either. Remote control has most of the controls for DVD, with just enough to get going on the unit touchscreen. Resolution is extremely good, with plenty of adjustments if required. No issues like those webup experienced with his touchscreen accuracy. There's a recalibration program in the settings anyway.

The touchscreen is excellent, with a nice predominantly black & red UI and flip / fade to each new screen.

Bluetooth paired with my phone immediately. Calls can be made from the head-unit, and music played from off the phone. The music can be paused & FF / Rev from the unit.

No issues with Radio, has auto seek function, room for 18 preset FM stations and 12 AM. Very good reception, though I've noticed a tiny bit of static now and then. That could just be atmospheric or environmental - I have fluorescents in the garage.

I have no TV aerial, am not sure that this feature would work in NZ. There's never much on the telly anyway.

There are USB outlets on the front, and the rear. I could navigate around a USB stick using the head-unit controls, and it'll play music, movies (AVI format tested), pictures, whatever I've thrown at it. I intend to run the rear USB into the centre console using a USB extension cord at < $10 off TM.

The rear camera works extremely well. It activates whenever reverse is selected, and the picture over-rides whatever is on the screen at the time.

I'm very pleased with it so far. Here's any early pic...


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Oh so $300 for that? Sounds quite resonable man!

How long did installation take? Did you follow the manual? I'm really stupid at wiring. xD

I have a few other things to do while I'm in there, so it's all still in bits. If I was simply swapping out the head-unit it might've taken me no more than a couple of hours? There's no manual as such, but all you need to know (like how to get it all out of there) is on the net here & there.

The beauty of iso-plugs...is that no wiring knowledge is required. They make it so idiot-proof that there's even a socket spliced into the earth line (19) ready for the "DVD brake over-ride" wire (28) to plug into. The only other plugs I needed to use at all were two for the rear-cam, (8 & 30), and the rear USB (2). I don't need anything for video-out, sub, or amp (9 to 18), since I'm just using the stock speakers for now. I also have no need for the steering wheel control lead (3 to 7), or the TV antenna (1).

Here's a picture from Eonon's site showing the wiring. I was pleased to find that wires 19 to 27 are in an iso-plug socket, not loose like in the photo. That meant absolutely no joining or soldering.


In fact... much more like this one, except no rear iPod input - just a front one.


[quote name='newsuba said:

Where's the cassette player ?


I'm old enough to still have quite a good collection of those things, but too old to remember where I put them. :)

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 webup said:


TV installed today...

Nice work.

I've seen your posts here and on the US Subaru Legacy Forums re the fit of your unit. The only way it would seem to fit properly is for you to trim the surround, but it looks from the photos like it maybe sits out quite a bit lower than those of others who've had the same problem?

Is there a possibility of modifying the mounts (carefully drilling new holes) so that your head-unit sits a little higher in them? You might then be able to trim just the top of the cut-out, or even cut it away entirely? Depending how much room you need, you might also need to trim below. You'd have to be very careful then though, with the alignment of each of the two sides?

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[quote name='webup said:


TV installed today...


Nice work.

I've seen your posts here and on the US Subaru Legacy Forums re the fit of your unit. The only way it would seem to fit properly is for you to trim the surround, but it looks from the photos like it maybe sits out quite a bit lower than those of others who've had the same problem?

Is there a possibility of modifying the mounts (carefully drilling new holes) so that your head-unit sits a little higher in them? You might then be able to trim just the top of the cut-out, or even cut it away entirely? Depending how much room you need, you might also need to trim below. You'd have to be very careful then though, with the alignment of each of the two sides?

Easier way is to make an adaptor using a bit of aluminium/steel...

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 webup said:

Anyone else using one of these?

Thought it might be handy to have some info on these here in one place.

These are becoming popular due to the amount of features and low price.

This one cost me $300 on Trademe compared to $1100-1200 for a big name brand like kenwood,clarion,pioneer etc.

I will add to this thread over the weekend with some walkthrough of the features with pros and cons.

Youll prob find itll allow touch screen on the classic ipod models. I got the first Sonys to support ipod and would only do a couple of models that had control from the headunit. Not actually that fussed with my headunit. Too slow when scrolling albums and no bluetooth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So hows the unit going? Im thinking of getting one of these, but I am going to use 300w (75 RMS) speakers in the rear and 230w (40w RMS) speakers in the front and thinking of wiring to the Dvd player, was wondering if it can handle this? Has anyone tried?

Your feedback would be great. Thank you! =]

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Much you must learn about car audio power ratings, young padawan.

I could wire my DD 9515s to a headunit. The 95's will take 10kwrms (been there done that) but they'll still run off the 17wrms or so a headunit will push, and nothing will get hurt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have another head unit from Eonon that also does SD USB DVD mp4 ect ect but without the screen so its only single din. the unit works well and has 3 RCA outputs but very little in the way of graphic equalizer (only bass/treble).

One issue I have with it and other no name units is they can take a long time to load your media and start playing, a real pain in the ass when your head-unit turns on then off and on again every time you start the engine.

my head-unit is also limited to 999 songs on any single DVD and only 2Gb SD and USB sticks so whats the point I can fit that much mp3s on a CD.??

Also on some you cant have your music in separate folders (no id tag)so it takes ages to find a particular song having to either know what song number it is or pressing next button 275 times and waiting for it to load between every song grrrr.

I haven't gotten a screen yet so I can only guess at how long it would take to load a movie.

I spent $250 odd on it brand new from trade me and even though it does everything it says on the box its a bit frustrating when it takes its time to do it.

I think now I will just send my good pioneer head-unit in to get fixed because even without DVD and USB it was a far superior unit even with only mp3/WMA playback. It has a good eq, time alignment and plenty of other goodies and sounded awesome. Im not sure whats wrong with it as every thing works as it should just no sound from any outputs. :(

At the end of the day I truly believe you get what you pay for.

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