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Dyno Tune recommendations

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Hi guys

With Raijin no longer doing any remapping, i was wondering if you guys recommended anyone else in the Auckland area to do dyno tuning. I know Torque performance do it for $1295.

Or is it worth doing a trip out of Auckland to a place like Dynotech Industries in the Naki?

I don't mind travelling for it.

Any suggestions? And roughly what type of price am i looking at?

Im looking at doing this in the next month or so after i add some bolt ons to the car.


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 johnny5 said:
When did Raijin stop??

I got hold of him over the weekend and he pretty much said that he will not be doing anymore remapping for a while and just wanted to concentrate and spend time with family. Didn't give a time frame of when he would be back into it.

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Also be wary of who you go to for the reflash stuff. Some tuners out there really dont know much about the opensource stuff or how capable it is IMO, and will do a half assed tune, and still charge $1k plus.

I would only go to someone who has done a lot of reflash tunes and has experience with it, especially with trickier stuff like the speed density tuning and such.

Phil from Dynotech/STM is really good, I was going to go back to him as he did a really good job of my Evo 9 and at a sharp price(even with the cost of the 6 hour return trip factored in), but as said they have now taken over STM and so the prices have gone up quite a bit to be in line with STMs pricing(was quoted $1295 for a dyno tune), so not worth the trip anymore. Have heard Dtech in Tauranga are pretty good as well but no first hand experience, Ill probably look into going to them at some stage.

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Be worth getting in touch with a couple of etuners, there are some fantastic US based tuners who are normally quite helpful, some will do it for chips because its something different, others have a standard $290 usd ish fee for a full etune with touch ups

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Can definitely vouch for their work, knowledge of what's going on and professionalism, but as happy as I am with mine it can be a bit of a pain to find a place to do pulls. Had to drive miles out into the country to a mates flat private road/driveway each time, and If your not that lucky then it usually means finding a track to do it on each time which can be a bit of a hassle too.

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Having someone in another country tune a significantly modded car just boggles my mind.

Ok, so if they're doing a bog-standard Legacy GT or something where they're all the same is a different matter, but how the f*ck are they meant to tune a unique vehicle?

"Try this map, take some logs, send them back to me and I'll refine it"

First pull, ping ping ping rattle nugga nugga nugga

"According to the logs it looks like you ran the bottom end when it came on boost?"

EDIT: By the time you piss about going back and forth to a road/track/something where you can do proper consistent pulls, loading new tunes, etc etc etc you may as well just have paid for someone to do it properly the first time around. At least they're using proper knock cans and a decent wideband (or at least they damn well should be).

If you own a $15000 vehicle and you've spent $10000 modifying it, at the end of the day is it really such a pain to pay the extra $500 and have it tuned by a professional instead of some dude in the US on a forum?

If you're down with the US option, I'm selling V7 ROMs, $300 each, they may melt your motor on startup, AIWI.

Edited by boon
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^ thats how i feel too. I purely did it for the, i like cars, i like computers/tech stuff, lets see if i can make this work factor.

Have alot of faith in them for tuning cars with simple predictable mods where the tune is more of a slight tweak job of all parameters rather than a full blown overhaul.

If i ever went the bigger turbo route i'd definately be going straight to d-tech.

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I was going to reply to a certain poster here who was absolutely f all clue what his on about but it would seem like i would beating a dead horse, its 2015 chaps - get with the times.

OP take everyones opinion with a grain of salt because most of the members here wear fan boi tinted glasses and love to spit bs (dont be that guy). Back on topic plenty of reputable dyno tuners in the country Phil @ STM, Dtech are the ones ive heard the most good things about.

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 kris_pran said:
I was going to reply to a certain poster here who was absolutely f all clue what his on about but it would seem like i would beating a dead horse, its 2015 chaps - get with the times.

OP take everyones opinion with a grain of salt because most of the members here wear fan boi tinted glasses and love to spit bs (dont be that guy). Back on topic plenty of reputable dyno tuners in the country Phil @ STM, Dtech are the ones ive heard the most good things about.

That's surely me, haha. I invite you to tell me how the internet tuning process is fundamentally different to that.

I have no problem at all with people road tuning and playing with their own cars. I have a problem with people who don't fundamentally know what's going on getting someone on the internet to give them a rom, having never even seen the car.


If you want a 'pretty good' result then sure, road tune, internet tune (ugh), whatever.

If you want better than 'pretty good', dyno.

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OP take everyones opinion with a grain of salt ...

Good advice.

[quote name='kris_pran said:

... most of the members here wear fan boi tinted glasses and love to spit bs ...

So do you mean most of the paid members (more than twenty lol), or most of the forum members (100s). Or are you wearing your tinted glasses?

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 boon said:
That's surely me, haha. I invite you to tell me how the internet tuning process is fundamentally different to that.

I have no problem at all with people road tuning and playing with their own cars. I have a problem with people who don't fundamentally know what's going on getting someone on the internet to give them a rom, having never even seen the car.


If you want a 'pretty good' result then sure, road tune, internet tune (ugh), whatever.

If you want better than 'pretty good', dyno.

No ones asking op to choose any e tuner in the pond, obviously research will need to be put in to read reviews, tuning style aggressive/safe etc to prevent an ill informed decision.

Internet tuning process

step 1 tuner sends file

step 2 upload map

step 3 log

step 4 blow up

Uhh help unknown tuner from out of space! My car blew up running your map what do i do now?

e-tuner: Not my fault, diagnose root of said blown engine and get back to me.

Lets turn that situation around

Op takes car down to ''local reputable tuning shop'', blows up on dyno.

Local tuner: Ring ring... uhh hello op your car blow up..please take away...i has other car to tune.

Op: But but you blew my motor!

Tuner: No op, you signed the indemnity form releasing me from any liability incase anything drastic happens while tuning. if you want my ''special technicians can have a look and rebuild motor will cost 6k'' let me know! bye bye

I could go on and on. Theres 1/1000 chance the above scenarios actually happen with reputable tuners but thats just the risk any car owner has to take if your wanting to get it tuned whether you like it or not.

Regarding the cost factor you maybe right, adding up the fuel costs etc it may just come down to the local price but the compromise might be the local tuner might not have such a quality map that would hinder the potential of what the setup is capable off. If maf tune, doesnt take as long to complete.

E tuning aint hard, learn the risks associated and take pre cautionary steps to avoid. Too many faqs/reading resources around to make use of.

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ok well just so you welly boys know, we are having a dyno day incase you want to compare killerwasps/tunes/have punch up in the car park ;) hahaha jk.

I dont trust too many people on the interwebs these days, too many people saying they can do things they cant. but thats just personal experience

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 kris_pran said:
No ones asking op to choose any e tuner in the pond, obviously research will need to be put in to read reviews, tuning style aggressive/safe etc to prevent an ill informed decision.

Internet tuning process

step 1 tuner sends file

step 2 upload map

step 3 log

step 4 blow up

Uhh help unknown tuner from out of space! My car blew up running your map what do i do now?

e-tuner: Not my fault, diagnose root of said blown engine and get back to me.

Lets turn that situation around

Op takes car down to ''local reputable tuning shop'', blows up on dyno.

Local tuner: Ring ring... uhh hello op your car blow up..please take away...i has other car to tune.

Op: But but you blew my motor!

Tuner: No op, you signed the indemnity form releasing me from any liability incase anything drastic happens while tuning. if you want my ''special technicians can have a look and rebuild motor will cost 6k'' let me know! bye bye

I could go on and on. Theres 1/1000 chance the above scenarios actually happen with reputable tuners but thats just the risk any car owner has to take if your wanting to get it tuned whether you like it or not.

Regarding the cost factor you maybe right, adding up the fuel costs etc it may just come down to the local price but the compromise might be the local tuner might not have such a quality map that would hinder the potential of what the setup is capable off. If maf tune, doesnt take as long to complete.

E tuning aint hard, learn the risks associated and take pre cautionary steps to avoid. Too many faqs/reading resources around to make use of.

I've always thought the whole indemnity thing with dynos was a bit sus, it's a kinda "all care, no responsibility" thing, I guess they're just covering their asses in case someones poorly modified ****box explodes on the dyno.

But for example, how the hell is an internet tuner going to help you if you have, say, really large injectors that they've never mapped for... what, they take a guess, the car doesn't start, you load another rom on another guess, the car doesn't start, you massively bore wash it, the car starts and you score a bore and have **** compression and don't live happily every after?

Or option 2, they get the scaling massively wrong and it's lean as ****, first time you do a pull it knocks furiously and damages something before you can say "hrm the wideband looks pretty lean"

Local road tuner with all the gear, sure, no problem, just hard to find the right bit of road where you can do meaningful pulls to tune full throttle.

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I've had my legacy tuned by a tuner from the states, and am consistently very happy with the result.

The tuner (Cryotune) also provides road tunes and dyno tunes to locals in Colorado, so not just some hack on a forum.

The process I went through to get mine tuned was completely transparent, the tune files can very easily be loaded into RomRaider and diffs of the changes made are very visible, not to mention my tuner explained all the changes he made between each revision.

We started with a base tune and from then until the 2nd to last revision there was no feedback knock correction or learned knock correction at all from the logs to redline I was doing. Once we hit some knock, things were dialed back a bit, and now, almost 2 years on, my learned knock correction tables haven't had a single cell filled.

the drivability was massively improved, as well as power across the range.

Sure hooking up a wideband and getting the AFR's tuned properly would improve things, but I don't want my car running on the ragged edge, and the power I've got is more than enough for me.

That's just my experience, but from the sounds of it, it's a similar experience that can be had with other reputable tuners around the place.

It's also not hard to find reviews from those with dyno tunes who've been retuned by some of these e-tuners and been far happier with the results for what it's worth.

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