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Stop a TradeMe scammer! - 29/11/09 Car inspected in person!

Simon C

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So in essence it's not an STI, sometimes it's easier to follow the KISS phenomenon. Keep it simple stupid... Sure parts maybe shared etc but in the end to look at that legacy whole heartidly it is not an STI, and one should not argue on the technical aspects. Like swindogs and my wrx, you could argue on many aspects it is an STI technically.

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its not an STI ever... never from factory did subaru say.. look at our new GTB, GT, GTB limited STI

its simply not.. ever.

sure it has bolt on bits that all fit, and its the same long block effectively but its not an STI.. its a GTB...

flip this around.. why would i ever call my STI a GTB.. answer: No, coz its not.

and in terms of perceived prowes STI>any other subie.. (note perceived).. this is why every man and his dog seems to be poking STI into their car somewhere.. title, deserved or not. Its trying to artifically create more value in their car.

Why do i (or anyone else) not say GTB in my wagon.. beacuse STI is percieved as STI > GTB... simple.. coz it adds nothing to my car ;)

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*hands everyone vice grips* Now, pull those undies out...

At the end of the day, let's look at the WHOLE auction.

It's titled STi, yes. This is incorrect. It has STi componentry.

Look further; gently driven by an older owner. What does this say about the owner?

A mechanic most likely tried to describe what made the Limited a Limited, and what made a GTB a GTB...and it has been misinterpreted by the owner. He would have likely drawn from the existence in LATER models of the Legacy and Forester STi.

Also. Funky. Your wagon is not a GTB for two reasons. It's not a grand tourer, it's an econobox on crack - like mine is just an econobox. It also lacks Bilstein parts from stock. ;) Let's take the emotion out of this and start speaking sense - not in tongues.

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It's titled STi, yes. This is incorrect. It has STi componentry.

Let's take the emotion out of this and start speaking sense - not in tongues.

not emotional at all.. just stating the facts.

[quote name='Shale said:

It's titled STi, yes. This is incorrect. It has STi componentry.

id say this is wrong.. they have a bunch of components which are shared.. this neither makes them STI or GTB. What makes STI is all the extra stuff that they get over either a WRX or GT, GTb, RS (BD), or NA.

Under this logic that GTB is as much a TS-R as it is a STI.. why doesnt he put that on his auction.. I bet is shares more in common with a TS-R overall than an STI.. hands down..

back to why the STI label.. like that singapore fried rice.. perceived added value.. ;)

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Which means that the STi is as much HX20s or SRX as it is STi. It's also just as much WRX as my car is.

The GTB is as much BF5 as it is STi, and both of them are BC5 at heart anyway since both are derived from it.

At the end of the day they are all as Subaru as each other and this conversation has as much merit as the fact that you're wearing the same dress as me. All of you. I demand you go home and change.

Sorry, but this auction debate is scraping the bottom of the argument barrel...go back to your Singapore-model WRXs dressed as STis, as they are far more outrageous than a misnamed stock car.

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 Swindog said:

my part will be of the same design as Ross' but the power output will be totally different, his will be much much smaller


you dirty devil.

The ladies dont call me "tripod" for nothing!!!

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 Shale said:

Too late for that :P

It's lucky it's in NZ, in fact. They have a name for cars as old as this over in Japan... 'scrap metal' :-\ Market that cheese-flavoured rose as best you can.

HX20s/all other bargain basement POS maybe.

The STi, GTR, Evo, RX7, type R varieties are still commonly driven around by a whole bunch of enthusiasts or made into rally or track vehicles.

The image you have of Japan that everyone drives brand new tokyo auto salon type cars is misguided and a little foolish.

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[quote name='Swindog said:

my part will be of the same design as Ross' but the power output will be totally different, his will be much much smaller



you dirty devil.

The ladies dont call me "tripod" for nothing!!!

so sorry to hear of our loss, they make very good lower limb prosthetic's these days

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[quote name='Shale said:

Too late for that :P

It's lucky it's in NZ, in fact. They have a name for cars as old as this over in Japan... 'scrap metal' :-\ Market that cheese-flavoured rose as best you can.


HX20s/all other bargain basement POS maybe.

The STi, GTR, Evo, RX7, type R varieties are still commonly driven around by a whole bunch of enthusiasts or made into rally or track vehicles.

The image you have of Japan that everyone drives brand new tokyo auto salon type cars is misguided and a little foolish.

Actually, they don't drive 'old' cars like ours. Sorry to throw off your little fantasy there, but for those of us that have been...everything IS a brand new R35, RX-8, GRB STi or Evo X. If it's not that, it's a brand new kei-car or kei-van. No matter what it is, 90% chance it's newer than 4 years. This is because Japan heavily taxes old cars, and only enthusiasts bother.

Sadly, I spotted 3 GC8s the entire time I was there. Two B4s and two BG5s were the only Legacys of their kind either in the city or the country, as well. Trust me, I was looking hard.

The older fullas aren't normally driven on the road - they're either lurking in the dealerships getting new parts, or on the track/rally stage.

Perhaps you ought to re-visit Japan before you start mouthing off.

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[quote name='Shale said:

Too late for that :P

It's lucky it's in NZ, in fact. They have a name for cars as old as this over in Japan... 'scrap metal' :-\ Market that cheese-flavoured rose as best you can.


HX20s/all other bargain basement POS maybe.

The STi, GTR, Evo, RX7, type R varieties are still commonly driven around by a whole bunch of enthusiasts or made into rally or track vehicles.

The image you have of Japan that everyone drives brand new tokyo auto salon type cars is misguided and a little foolish.

Actually, they don't drive 'old' cars like ours. Sorry to throw off your little fantasy there, but for those of us that have been...everything IS a brand new R35, RX-8, GRB STi or Evo X. If it's not that, it's a brand new kei-car or kei-van. No matter what it is, 90% chance it's newer than 4 years. This is because Japan heavily taxes old cars, and only enthusiasts bother.

Sadly, I spotted 3 GC8s the entire time I was there. Two B4s and two BG5s were the only Legacys of their kind either in the city or the country, as well. Trust me, I was looking hard.

The older fullas aren't normally driven on the road - they're either lurking in the dealerships getting new parts, or on the track/rally stage.

Perhaps you ought to re-visit Japan before you start mouthing off.

Perhaps you should go deeper into Japan than the tourist hang outs?

I was actually discussing this very issue with my Japanese homestay last night, who confirmed that foresters and Legacy GTBs were still very popular in japan and all of the recent Japper "classics" are still very much in evidence among a certain crowd.

But...wait....you know more than someone who is actually Japanese dont you????? Can you explain to me how having a Malaysian Chinese dad and visiting Japan once this year makes you more of an expert in all things Japanese than someone from Japan?

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Yup cant spell so well, dont claim to. Im more of an argue in person kind of guy, much more effective as my command of the english language is much stronger in person than over the Interwebz and other writen media.

And Just quietly pretty weak picking on a minor spelling mistake when your made to look a fool for repeating a point you disagree with.

Anyway, enjoyed our little discussion, you can go back to playing with Ross now.

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Thing is, I didn't repeat it. Hence, look closer.

But you know what? Whatever. You lot can continue your fap fest mmmkay, since you enjoy being 'right'. I'll let you continue on your own because I'm sick of hearing your e-voices.

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mod clean up in order?

i think the point stands that claiming any car not described as STI by the SUBARU factory is simply trying to claim some of that goodness about their own vehicles which is wrong and never existed..

which for all intensive purposes it is to try and increase the perceived value or "speciality" of their car.

As decided by the SUBARU factory irrespective of parts, power output, creed, colour, model or year - there is a clear distinction between what they labeled an STI and ANYTHING else..

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I could spend 5 minutes on Trade Me and have whole swag of Subaru advert misinformation.

Surely you all have enough brain activity to see the difference between somebody who doesn't know SFA and a genuine "scammer"

What defines an STI? all they are is a WRX that has been allocated and removed from the factory line and sent to STI be outfitted with uprated parts; and then fitted with type specific badges and code.

Hardly very special.

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 Johnnynz said:

Yup cant spell so well, dont claim to. Im more of an argue in person kind of guy, much more effective as my command of the english language is much stronger in person than over the Interwebz and other writen media.

And Just quietly pretty weak picking on a minor spelling mistake when your made to look a fool for repeating a point you disagree with.

Im trying to be nice to her, but she makes it diffucult at times when she

Anyway, enjoyed our little discussion, you can go back to playing with Ross now.

Part of shales M.O when she has been out argued is to throw insults around into the hope we all forget about her originally being made a fool of.

Dont sweat it bro.

Im trying to be nice to her, but she makes it difficult at times!

And for the record Shale you arent the only one who has been to Japan!!

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