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Guest keltik

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[quote name='Timmah said:

Installed my first head unit today, and it actually works!! Never felt to proud :)


Nice work Timmah, how are those spots going?

They're fitted and looking great :D Just need the crystal headlights to match now

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I saw the pictures on the other page, they look great.

Good luck searching for the headlights. Took me a while to find mine but they do look pretty cool 8)

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 Evo Eta']

[quote name='liquid_ice said:

well every one to their own choice of wheel :P


bet u its sum honda owner, that has got his tints, pod filter, massive tacho nd tinney exhaust, now just needs the chromes to top it off so he can complete his " how to look like a cock" checklist

There always has to be a prick.. Cheers bro.

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 Munga said:

I saw the pictures on the other page, they look great.

Good luck searching for the headlights. Took me a while to find mine but they do look pretty cool 8)

There's some going on Trademe atm, $140 each, then Subaroo spears quoted me $220 each. I think they can wait a while :)

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Guest vf20/21bg5

[quote name='2dr said:


Is using cheap fitting on your fuel system a good idea? Becomes an expensive test if those threads decide to part hands.

Cheers, 2dr

/quote]just trying to prove a point, ive got 2 fire extinguishers and am really good at fixing the car i built to help me prove my point....dont worry ill document it too so to help others ;)

fire extinguishers wont do anything

i do believe that they put out fires......Hers how it would go, "Omg theres a fire !" turn car(pump) off, get fire extinguishers out, befor opening bonnet spray the spay the under side of the engine(i have no stone guards), open bonnet slowly to about 40mm with protection on hands,shove nozzel in and spray the s*** out of it! it surely will be out by then cause you have starved it of oxygen with the powder extinguisher, open bonnet fully and laugh that there isnt any major damage cause it hasnt had a chance to take hold of any plastics or wireing etc (paint work might look a bit sad though).Tow it home, fix it and report to whoever what part had failed so it wont happen again or to others ;D .....(in a perfect world) ;)
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[quote name='liquid_ice said:

well every one to their own choice of wheel :P


bet u its sum honda owner, that has got his tints, pod filter, massive tacho nd tinney exhaust, now just needs the chromes to top it off so he can complete his " how to look like a cock" checklist

There always has to be a prick.. Cheers bro.

Its cool that someone beat me too it, makes me look more like a human being ;D

I found out my battery is fine, so my random flat batterys are a phantom drain from somewhere :( hopefully cheaper than a new battery but more time consuming.

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[quote name='2dr said:


Is using cheap fitting on your fuel system a good idea? Becomes an expensive test if those threads decide to part hands.

Cheers, 2dr

/quote]just trying to prove a point, ive got 2 fire extinguishers and am really good at fixing the car i built to help me prove my point....dont worry ill document it too so to help others ;)

fire extinguishers wont do anything

i do believe that they put out fires......Hers how it would go, "Omg theres a fire !" turn car(pump) off, get fire extinguishers out, befor opening bonnet spray the spay the under side of the engine(i have no stone guards), open bonnet slowly to about 40mm with protection on hands,shove nozzel in and spray the s*** out of it! it surely will be out by then cause you have starved it of oxygen with the powder extinguisher, open bonnet fully and laugh that there isnt any major damage cause it hasnt had a chance to take hold of any plastics or wireing etc (paint work might look a bit sad though).Tow it home, fix it and report to whoever what part had failed so it wont happen again or to others ;D .....(in a perfect world) ;)

That reads like one of those airplane cards that shows everyone smiling as the plane nose dives into the ocean....

By the time an underbonnet fire is big enough for you to be sitting inside and think "OMG there's a fire!" then it has most likely already wreaked havoc on anything in it's proximity under the bonnet. Then you go and spray dry powder all over the hot metal parts and it then attaches itself to that part for the rest of eternity. Thats if you've actually gotten to it in time (i.e. noticed the growing black patch in the bonnet as the paint starts to peel rather than only noticing it once the flames have started coming out the sides of the bonnet).

But it'll most likely end up looking like this;


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In a perfect world we would do what CP93MM said.

However, the chances of you noticing it until its too late are pretty slim. IMO if its insured just GTFO and watch it go boom, rather than risking life and limb.

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Guest vf20/21bg5
 ODB said:

In a perfect world we would do what CP93MM said.

However, the chances of you noticing it until its too late are pretty slim. IMO if its insured just GTFO and watch it go boom, rather than risking life and limb.

lol i seem to have an answer for everything so here goes ;D..... If my fire is fuel related from one of my crappy hose fittings breaking. (and this is what ive been talking about)..... so the fact that my car will all of a sudden die cause thr is no fuel pressure will send me imediatley stopping and going for the bonnet doesnt come into consideration? So can you guys genuinly tell me a petrol fire from about half litre fuel or less would have completely f***ed s*** up within the 15 seconds it would take me to pull over and get to the bonnet with the retardant in hand?
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[quote name='ODB said:

In a perfect world we would do what CP93MM said.

However, the chances of you noticing it until its too late are pretty slim. IMO if its insured just GTFO and watch it go boom, rather than risking life and limb.

/quote] lol i seem to have an answer for everything so here goes ;D..... If my fire is fuel related from one of my crappy hose fittings breaking. (and this is what ive been talking about)..... so the fact that my car will all of a sudden die cause thr is no fuel pressure will send me imediatley stopping and going for the bonnet doesnt come into consideration? So can you guys genuinly tell me a petrol fire from about half litre fuel or less would have completely f***ed s*** up within the 15 seconds it would take me to pull over and get to the bonnet with the retardant in hand?

i had a fuel line leak, never even noticed anything wrong with the car, so unless it completly comes off, dont get your hopes up lol.

lucky for me, it didnt catch fire, it was the puddle of liquid on the floor when i stopped that look funny that caught my attention.


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Guest vf20/21bg5

[quote name='ODB said:

In a perfect world we would do what CP93MM said.

However, the chances of you noticing it until its too late are pretty slim. IMO if its insured just GTFO and watch it go boom, rather than risking life and limb.

/quote] lol i seem to have an answer for everything so here goes ;D..... If my fire is fuel related from one of my crappy hose fittings breaking. (and this is what ive been talking about)..... so the fact that my car will all of a sudden die cause thr is no fuel pressure will send me imediatley stopping and going for the bonnet doesnt come into consideration? So can you guys genuinly tell me a petrol fire from about half litre fuel or less would have completely f***ed s*** up within the 15 seconds it would take me to pull over and get to the bonnet with the retardant in hand?

i had a fuel line leak, never even noticed anything wrong with the car, so unless it completly comes off, dont get your hopes up lol.

lucky for me, it didnt catch fire, it was the puddle of liquid on the floor when i stopped that look funny that caught my attention.


...will thats exactly it! most of the time it wont hit a hot enuf heat source to make it catch fire....have you all seen mythbusters? ;)
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[quote name='ODB said:

In a perfect world we would do what CP93MM said.

However, the chances of you noticing it until its too late are pretty slim. IMO if its insured just GTFO and watch it go boom, rather than risking life and limb.

/quote] lol i seem to have an answer for everything so here goes ;D..... If my fire is fuel related from one of my crappy hose fittings breaking. (and this is what ive been talking about)..... so the fact that my car will all of a sudden die cause thr is no fuel pressure will send me imediatley stopping and going for the bonnet doesnt come into consideration? So can you guys genuinly tell me a petrol fire from about half litre fuel or less would have completely f***ed s*** up within the 15 seconds it would take me to pull over and get to the bonnet with the retardant in hand?

i had a fuel line leak, never even noticed anything wrong with the car, so unless it completly comes off, dont get your hopes up lol.

lucky for me, it didnt catch fire, it was the puddle of liquid on the floor when i stopped that look funny that caught my attention.


...will thats exactly it! most of the time it wont hit a hot enuf heat source to make it catch fire....have you all seen mythbusters? ;)

Yeah won't ignite until 500 degrees or something, they were testing could a flicked cigarette ignite fuel i think

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Guest vf20/21bg5

...plus its the fuel vapours that ignite,not the liquid!....Quoted;The Auto-Ignition Temperature - or the minimum temperature required to ignite a gas or vapor in air without a spark or flame being present is 560 degrees C.........so how else would it ignite anyway? some examples please?.....ive got one, a glowing red turbo(without a beanie) a glowing read header(without wrap), a spark arching to earth via a poor lead or coil over....i may add that none of that will apply to me being ill have a beanie and my coil over's are mint v9 ones and my headers and up-pipe and everything is wrapped.......more examples please?....just keep in mind it takes alot of a certain amount of factors to ignite fuel....mythbusters said it takes a precise fuel to air ratio!...i remember when my v8 use to backfire when i was tuning it without an airfilter and cause it wasnt timed right that use to catch fire when a tiny puff of fuel being puffed through the carbie at the same time the spark missfire happend causeing a small carby fire.....perfect conditions i may add....dont think ill have an issue even if a litre of fuel pumped out onto my block,touch wood

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[quote name='ShaylaJ said:

Bidding on my mags went up to $450 :o.


Was that the final price? good work :D

$475 and they have to sort out shipping. Meeeean.

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If ya did get the fire out before to much damage, that dry powder won't do your wiring any favors over the next 6 months. Powder breaks down the insulation.

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 ShaylaJ said:

thinking stock rims powdercoated white tbh

a few cans of white spray can and clear coat from The Warehouse will do the job for you. Just get the whip out and whip your boyfriend into spraying it for you ;D I will be more than happy to do it for you if you were beautiful and lived in auckland :P

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