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Insurance Thread 2.0


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 Shale said:

Some of us break our backs working hard. The rest talk to mummy, or the bank. ;)

I second that. Im in the same job ive been in since i left school. I bust my ass doing 60+ hours a week on a shitty hourly wage. Every single car ive owned has been paid up by myself with no help from mummy or daddy.

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ok 2 points here.

1. i reckon 50% of all "hipo" cars are on tick. i bought my wrx for cash at 21, and pretty much i was the only one out of all people i knew who did.

2.Shale: your new signature is gay. Go back to the old one. You arent a ninja or a vigilante. The laws of physics do apply. Get over it. :P

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[quote name='Shale said:

Some of us break our backs working hard. The rest talk to mummy, or the bank. ;)


I second that. Im in the same job ive been in since i left school. I bust my ass doing 60+ hours a week on a shitty hourly wage. Every single car ive owned has been paid up by myself with no help from mummy or daddy.

Same brought my first WRX at 19 cash. I owe a little on my current one but I had worked hard got a good great credit rating and had good savings I built with a credit union who did me a great low interest deal.

Will be all paid off soon and I will have worked damn hard to have it.

I was pretty lucky though, my parents gave me my first car (80 something Mazda 323 Auto, beat up as hell) after that it was all up to me as it should be. and when I sold that car the money went back to my folks.

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JohnnyNZ, that's what a first car should be - a raggedy old beater. They teach you tonnes :)

Ross, the original author (Alan Moore) refused to have anything to do with the movie reportedly. Thus in some ways it followed the comic down to a T (such as the scene with Rorschach grappling onto The Comedian's balcony, like in my sig) whereas it the moments it strayed, it royally f**ked up. Like the ENDING. :-X The novel is really worth a read. It actually makes POINTS! :D

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 Shale said:

JohnnyNZ, that's what a first car should be - a raggedy old beater. They teach you tonnes :)

I couldnt agree more, it really bugs me to see parents signing there kids death warrants buying them or going gaurantor on a loan for an excessivley fast car at a ridiculously young age.

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Yeah. Well don't at least half of the young driver population write their car off or crash it at least, in the first 12 months of being on the road alone? Bad enough as it is with beaters, the DO A SKID AU ability doesn't exactly help those figures.

Most of my mates started off with crusty Hondas...which got written off or blew up. They learned the VALUE of a vehicle as a mode of transport and a responsibility, not just a fun-maker. That's...err...most... D:

I kinda did it wrong. Parents decided it was my responsibility to buy my own car, so I went and bought an HX20s. Way too fast for a first car IMO...but now it's too slow. >:( D'OH.

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[quote name='Shale said:

Apparently I'm meant to do the work first, then get it professionally valued - nice, with several grand of gear waiting to be stolen in the meantime!/quote]

Thats pretty normal if doing a big modification project that is "likely" worth more than the car itself.

They aren't going to take your word that it has a 3k Gearbox and 1500 of brakes plus whatever else your throwing at it until it has been verified etc.

TBH i think NAC is still your best bet.

To be honest dear young lady - you are lucky they even informed you of the valuation part... Many insurers wouldn't have even bothered doing that...

Also, the way the economy is going they are taking every step to protect themselves from being ripped off/used by unscrupulous people for income (not saying you are, they are treating everyone the same) - By that I mean its a fact that people try to rip off insurance companies and its also a fact that it gets worse with a worsening economy... Hence this being another reason why they referred you to this step.

Happy insurance hunting

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And as usual you could have said all of that without squeaking as you paced over... ;)

But valid points, yeah. It's not like insurance companies are going to ease up on people in the worst economical climate since the Great Depression. However, it's no excuse for the rudeness that was barfed down the line at me considering I was very polite and business-like (mah momma din't raise no slapper).

Clic called me today, asking if I want to jump boats. I think I do actually...

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  • 1 month later...

I didn't read the whole thread but I highly recommend NOT using Insure Direct, yeah it sounds good and they are nice UNTIL you have to make a claim. They have very bad communication both between them and the customer and between them and their insurance assessors. They tell you things then don't honor them or say they told you something when they haven't. Pain in the arse they were.

Also with any other insurance company when they say notify us of 'change of circumstance' it means to tell them everything, not just a change of address or something but also if you get a ticket or something, because I didn't tell them I got a couple of tickets while I was insured (which led to 3 month disqualification) and when my car was stolen and I made a claim they cancelled my insurance and ruined my chances of getting any decent insurance anytime in the near future.

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Yeah the first time it was stolen I got it back a week later minus a lot of stuff but that was when the insurance was cancelled etc (that was State) and the second time it was stolen it was written off and was when I was dealing with Insure Direct.

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Ouch, not fun. I'm glad it's difficult to do anything spectacular in my car...

I think NAC and Clic would have you, for a price. They insure just about anyone. At said exorbitant price.

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Ah no not this sheet again.

If you are moaning about the costs of insurance, or gas, then you cant really afford a performance car.

Pay the man, have your fun.

Or dont, and drive a nana-spec HX20.

Either way, please dont come on here expecting sympathy for having tickets/getting banned from driving/getting your car stolen with no insurance/being young.

Sorry for the rant,but its been a prick of a morning and it had to be said.

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 Shale said:


We're not talking about the HX, sonny. LURK MOAR.

What he was saying, is if you can't afford to insure etc etc a performance car, By a non performance car.

I share the same view as RossmNZ on this, if you can't afford to play, get out of the game.

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Lol talk about jumping on whatever bandwagon rocks on by eh...

Venting opinions at any given moment rather than one where it's called for is what emos do. Only difference is they cut themselves afterward.

If you two LERN2READ, the price comments were in regards to a car that's been stolen twice, henceforth written off, and because of an unclaimed 'change of circumstance' insurance was cancelled. Owner in question is henceforth unable to get 'decent' insurance, imaginably for ANY vehicle. Not just a performance vehicle. Also a ratty old Corolla, or a van, etc etc.

Keep your soapboxing on topic.

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It sucks when they use any excuse not to pay, such as moving house or becoming single/attached etc. Just shows that you gotta play by the rules sometimes because they got the checkbook and don't like using it.

On a tangent my insurance dropped by 30% when I got married lol. Same bloke, same car, same address, same partner but a signing of a book and a big party later all my insurance drops.

Even though I'd written off my mountain bike and they paid out 5K to fix it, suckers!

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 Shale said:

Lol talk about jumping on whatever bandwagon rocks on by eh...

Venting opinions at any given moment rather than one where it's called for is what emos do. Only difference is they cut themselves afterward.

If you two LERN2READ, the price comments were in regards to a car that's been stolen twice, henceforth written off, and because of an unclaimed 'change of circumstance' insurance was cancelled. Owner in question is henceforth unable to get 'decent' insurance, imaginably for ANY vehicle. Not just a performance vehicle. Also a ratty old Corolla, or a van, etc etc.

Keep your soapboxing on topic.

I find it funny you call me an Emo, when you are the one who has been "driven to tears" over flamings(i'm quoting your rantings on Nasioc, or whichever forum you soapbox from yourself these days).

My point was exactly as Turtle stated. If you cant afford a performance model, buy a non-performance model of a similar car!

As usual, you took this completely the wrong way and decided to insult myself and Turtle.

P.S- It doesnt matter how politely you talk to insurance companies on the phone. Cold hard facts matter to them. It is how they make money. Dont come here and winge about it when they dont jump all over themselves to insure your heap of junk with addons.

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 Shale said:

I kinda did it wrong. Parents decided it was my responsibility to buy my own car, so I went and bought an HX20s. Way too fast for a first car IMO...but now it's too slow. >:( D'OH.

Lol jesus a non-turbo'd hx way too fast for a first car, glad u didnt do what I did and get a wrx for my first car :D

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Ross: Lol love the way it's always about my car, and lack of correct facts being thrown around like candy ;D Nice one.

You can't come in with strong words and expect a polite response, though apparently you do.

Here let me try again.


Less baaaaw when someone calls you out would be damn-spankingly awesome. Can we stop talking about my car now?

PS: On a related note, researching before you open your yap would be good. From someone that has actually insured a stock, completely unmodified, low mileage, non-accident-damaged HX20s (said non-performance model, in your words), here's how it ACTUALLY works. All Imprezas and all Legacys are considered "HIGH PERFORMANCE" models by most major insurance companies. Yes, I did laugh in their faces and ask what they thought of the CS and C'Z Extra (1.6L FWD and 1.5L AWD models respectively). "HIGH PERFORMANCE". Yes, we all agreed it was a joke considering they put down nearly no power and run on 185s from stock; but this is the way insurance works. It's an Impreza/Legacy...it's considered as the quote marks specify.

Third party insurance through the guys that do our house/contents and life insurance was as thus:

1) Myself as a minor driver, parents listed as main drivers. No previous traffic convictions for all three of us.

2) 3rd Party, Fire & Theft cover for maximum value of $9,999

3) Excess $500 for parents, $900 for myself (learners license...yes, I've had the car a while and learned to drive in it)

4) Premium $1600 p.a.

So it is actually more worth your time to get a WRX etc, as the premiums are approximately the same. The turbo adds little more.

Unless of course you are married etc, with a lock-up garage, and all your insurance through the same company.

Let's not forget. Four Subarus make it on the list of the top 10 most stolen vehicles in NZ. These are the Impreza WRX/STi, turbo Legacy, NON-TURBO Impreza, and NON-TURBO Legacy. These things carry similar risks to turbos.

If you want something cheap to run, cheap to insure... get a Corolla. Or a ratty old Civic. Or an Odyssey.

WRXER: Yes I have to admit, the HX puts down way too much torque for a first car. Good thing I was a nanna-driver eh :P I was totally going to buy a WRX though... black version 2 for FOUR THOUSAND BUCKS less than the HX. It was puuuuurdy ;D But no, not allowed. "Too fast".

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