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 lachlan said:

anyone know a coolant fluch that actually works

And does those oil flush products work/help at all when performing an oil change? I guess if you regularly change your oil this product wouldn\'t be needed.

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[quote name='lachlan said:

anyone know a coolant fluch that actually works


And does those oil flush products work/help at all when performing an oil change? I guess if you regularly change your oil this product wouldn\'t be needed.

Definitely can help esp with mitsi tick etc. I found getting the car warm then using a flush made oil change a 5 min job rather than a 5 drink wait while the engine drains. Not saying the latter is bad.

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[quote name='lachlan said:

anyone know a coolant fluch that actually works


And does those oil flush products work/help at all when performing an oil change? I guess if you regularly change your oil this product wouldn\'t be needed.

Definitely can help esp with mitsi tick etc. I found getting the car warm then using a flush made oil change a 5 min job rather than a 5 drink wait while the engine drains. Not saying the latter is bad.

+1 - does help un-gunk oil for sure, if nothing else as you said helps it drain out better (so prob getting any real sludgy bits to move?) but I always do it and always worked wonders for ticky mitsis (which is caused by gunky bits of oil)

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 Roo said:

I use the oil flush once on every car I buy on the first oil change. Don\'t know if it works but as above the oil comes out in a great hurry

Def has a diarrhea effect. Doing a couple of flushes in quick sucession can help a lot just buy red stamp.

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[quote name='lachlan said:

anyone know a coolant fluch that actually works


And does those oil flush products work/help at all when performing an oil change? I guess if you regularly change your oil this product wouldn\'t be needed.

Definitely can help esp with mitsi tick etc. I found getting the car warm then using a flush made oil change a 5 min job rather than a 5 drink wait while the engine drains. Not saying the latter is bad.

+1 - does help un-gunk oil for sure, if nothing else as you said helps it drain out better (so prob getting any real sludgy bits to move?) but I always do it and always worked wonders for ticky mitsis (which is caused by gunky bits of oil)

have you seen these? zero tick hydraulic lifters


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my old oil from the wrx goes into the primera as that just puts it out the exhaust :P

i need to use the radiator flush as i have the orange muck around my cap again but the water is still green sigh.

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[quote name='lachlan said:

anyone know a coolant fluch that actually works


And does those oil flush products work/help at all when performing an oil change? I guess if you regularly change your oil this product wouldn\'t be needed.

Definitely can help esp with mitsi tick etc. I found getting the car warm then using a flush made oil change a 5 min job rather than a 5 drink wait while the engine drains. Not saying the latter is bad.

+1 - does help un-gunk oil for sure, if nothing else as you said helps it drain out better (so prob getting any real sludgy bits to move?) but I always do it and always worked wonders for ticky mitsis (which is caused by gunky bits of oil)

have you seen these? zero tick hydraulic lifters


Yep long time ago but aint care now I got a wrx. Think they have a bigger hole in the top or something. You can clean them I think I have the procedure documented somewhere. The genuine ones arent an upgraded item so better to replace with the ones in the link as theyre cheaper anyway.

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[quote name='lachlan said:

anyone know a coolant fluch that actually works


And does those oil flush products work/help at all when performing an oil change? I guess if you regularly change your oil this product wouldn\'t be needed.

Definitely can help esp with mitsi tick etc. I found getting the car warm then using a flush made oil change a 5 min job rather than a 5 drink wait while the engine drains. Not saying the latter is bad.

+1 - does help un-gunk oil for sure, if nothing else as you said helps it drain out better (so prob getting any real sludgy bits to move?) but I always do it and always worked wonders for ticky mitsis (which is caused by gunky bits of oil)

have you seen these? zero tick hydraulic lifters


Yep long time ago but aint care now I got a wrx. Think they have a bigger hole in the top or something. You can clean them I think I have the procedure documented somewhere. The genuine ones arent an upgraded item so better to replace with the ones in the link as theyre cheaper anyway.

if I were to buy another mitsi, these would be one of the first things to do
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The ticking is from the hydraulic lifters getting their oil flow hole thing gunked up - which means oil cant flow into/through them - then they make a clacking noise due to no oil in the top of them. The hole on the early ones is like needle sized - the later model / aftermarket ones it\'s larger.

The fix is either cleaning them - which is a 30 min job incl removing them (assuming its not a V6 one) - or buying those ones up there which have a larger hole for oil to escape through, meaning chances of them gunking up are much less (but can still happen if maintenance is not great)

It\'s an annoyance and in bad cases gets picked up as knock, pulling timing (slightly random), but it\'s a super simple issue to fix and deal with - that said the pro-ma MBL8 stuff is fricken amazing at shutting them up too

Half the time a quick rev fixes it, cause it brings oil pressure up which clears them out... until the next time it sits overnight haha

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 QRAF said:

My friend put pro-ma into all his mitsi that he sells its not until the 1st service that the person starts to hear things.

I used to do that haha, its the only additive that i\'ve found that works. Works awesome in gearbox\'s and Diffs too.

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      Afternoon team,
      im new to the group first time posting. Im hoping some body can help me get my launch control all dialled in on my link g4x. Ive had the computer and car all tuned from chris at prestige awesome knowlegable guy super happy with the results but now im wanting to get my launch/anti lag all dialled in. Ive been reading multiple different forums etc all with different conflicking information which has made me nervious with what do i listen to this or that if you get what i mean. Now ive started to make myself familiar with my PClink software etc the past few weeks and im eager to learn how to do minor setups or tweaks etc so im not relieing on my tuner so much and obviously saving myself abit hurt in the back pocket. 
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